
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016




Hyperbole from Greek: ὑπερβολή hyperbolē, which means "excessive") is the excessive use as a rhetorical device or figuratively. This can be used to evoke strong feelings or to make a strong impression, but not meant to be taken literally.

Hyperbole is used to create the effect of exaggerating or for emphasis. As a literary device, Hyperbole is often used in poetry, and often encountered in casual speech. Lots use Hyperbole that describes something that is better or worse than it actually is. Examples of Hyperbole is :. ".The Bag weighed a ton" Hyperbole create the impression that the bag was very heavy, though perhaps not until weighing tons.

In the words of rhetoric, some opponents of Hyperbole is a figure of speech meiosis, litotes, understatement, lackluster, prosaic, dull and bathos (used to describe a 'disappointment' after Hyperbole figure of speech in a phrase). Hyperbole is a form of word-karta that use excessive statements or claims should not be taken literally. Hyperbole is not only used in rhetoric, but also often found in everyday conversation.

Hyperbole can be found in the literature and oral communication. They will not be used in the works of nonfiction, such as medical journals or research papers; However, they are perfect for a work of fiction, mainly to add color to the characters or the humor of the story.

Hyperbole is a ratio, such as simile and metaphor, but it is outrageous and even ridiculous.

Hyperbole gives the effect of passion and excitement


“I’ve told you a million times”.
 Aku sudah bilang padamu sejuta kali
“It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing jackets”.
Itu sangat dingin, hingga aku melihat beruang kutub mengenakan jaket

“I am so hungry I could eat a horse”.
Saya sangat lapar aku bisa makan kuda.
“I have a million things to do”.
Aku punya sejuta hal yang harus dilakukan.
“I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill”.
Aku harus berjalan 15 kilometer ke sekolah dalam salju, menanjak bukit.
“I had a ton of homework”.
Aku punya satu ton pekerjaan rumah.
“If I can’t buy that new game, I will die”.
Jika saya tidak bisa membeli permainan baru, saya akan mati.
“He is as skinny as a toothpick”.
Dia sekurus tusuk gigi.
“This car goes faster than the speed of light”.
Mobil ini berjalan lebih cepat dari kecepatan cahaya.
“That new car costs a bazillion dollars”.
Mobil baru itu seharga bazillion dolar.
“We are so poor; we don’t have two cents to rub together”.
Kami sangat miskin; kami tidak memiliki dua sen untuk menggosok bersama-sama.
“That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding on a dinosaur”.
Lelucon yang sangat tua, terakhir kali saya mendengar itu ketika saya naik dinosaurus.
“They ran like greased lightning”.
Mereka berlari seperti kilat berminyak.
“He’s got tons of money”.
Dia punya berton-ton uang.
“You could have knocked me over with a feather”.
Anda bisa mengetuk saya dengan bulu.
“Her brain is the size of a pea”.
Otaknya seukuran kacang polong.
“He is older than the hills”.
Dia lebih tua dari bukit-bukit.

Hyperbole in Media and Literature

If used properly, Hyperbole may encourage consumers to buy a product.

Marketing research of Roger J. Kreuz, PhD for military personnel Science Research Workshop in June 2001 in Memphis TN, has shown that 75% of ads using at least one figuratively.



“adds amazing luster for infinite, mirror-like shine”.  (Brilliant Brunette shampoo)
Menambah kilau yang luar biasa untuk tak terbatas, bersinar seperti cermin
“It doesn’t get better than this”. (Oscar Meyer)
“I am so hungry I could eat a horse”.
Saya sangat lapar aku bisa makan kuda.
“I have a million things to do”.
Aku punya sejuta hal yang harus dilakukan.
“I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill”.
Aku harus berjalan 15 kilometer ke sekolah dalam salju, menanjak bukit.
“I had a ton of homework”.
Aku punya satu ton pekerjaan rumah.
“If I can’t buy that new game, I will die”.
Jika saya tidak bisa membeli permainan baru, saya akan mati.
“He is as skinny as a toothpick”.
Dia sekurus tusuk gigi.
“This car goes faster than the speed of light”.
Mobil ini berjalan lebih cepat dari kecepatan cahaya.
“That new car costs a bazillion dollars”.
Mobil baru itu seharga bazillion dolar.
“We are so poor; we don’t have two cents to rub together”.
Kami sangat miskin; kami tidak memiliki dua sen untuk menggosok bersama-sama.
“That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding on a dinosaur”.
Lelucon yang sangat tua, terakhir kali saya mendengar itu ketika saya naik dinosaurus.
“They ran like greased lightning”.
Mereka berlari seperti kilat berminyak.
“He’s got tons of money”.
Dia punya berton-ton uang.
“You could have knocked me over with a feather”.
Anda bisa mengetuk saya dengan bulu.
“Her brain is the size of a pea”.
Otaknya seukuran kacang polong.
“He is older than the hills”.

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